'State of Denial' tells the behind-the-scene story about the state of elections in Maricopa Co., AZ. The movie brings the receipts and shows the evidence! The question then becomes, why are they doing this? If you like this movie, please consider visiting www.state-of-denial.com/keepitfree to help support future film
We have laws against ballot harvesting yet there is NOTHING in place to stop it.
After thousands of views of n our video showing the Maricopa County election departments questionable practices with removing documents from a secure shred bin, they have now decided to place a lock on the bin making it actually secure’ish for the first time since we have had a live camera view of the inside. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.
After thousands of views of n our video showing the Maricopa County election departments questionable practices with removing documents from a secure shred bin, they have now decided to place a lock on the bin making it actually secure’ish for the first time since we have had a live camera view of the inside. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.
This is video of election workers using personal cell phone in secure areas that they are not allowed to have phones in. Second part also shows one reason why that’s not ok. She is taking pictures of ballots with her phone... These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.
Where are you going with the ballots and envelopes? Maybe there is a good explaination. What say you MCTEC?
Digging through sensitive shred bins is always so much fun.
Election workers taking a new drive and unwrapping it for use in a secure area. There are strict rules to the use of drives and memory cards and new drives should be labeled and logged then given a chain of custody log. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent, and dare I say, unscrupulous people involved in our elections.
These are election workers putting ballot envelopes into a sensitive data shred bin that should be locked. Later you see an election supervisor pulling them back out the next day. These videos are to show the blatant disregard for any laws, rules or statutes and is a clear indicator that there is plenty of willfully negligent and potentially unscrupulous people involved in our elections.
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Thank you Mike Lindell for your fight for freedom in our great nation and our President Trump.
Hosts Chairman Shelby Busch to discuss Maricopa County Recalls.
Thank you Lin for all the fight! We stand with you.